Get to the Bottom of it!

If you read my last blog regarding sitting (if not please scroll down a have a read) many of us are guilty of sitting for too long.  One consequence of this is that our glute muscles (bottom) suffer as a consequence. (Hip flexors tighten up and become overactive, which in turn deactivates the glutes). 

Who doesn't want a strong, toned bottom!  Here at Red Hot Personal Training (RHPT) we thought it would be nice to include an exercise that is a fantastic and an easy way to help all you ladies who want to hone and tone that derierr. Many of you would have come across a 'Glute bridge exercise' before but this little (no equipment required) exercise is a gem and is truly underated.

Heres how to do it: Perform 2 sets of 10 reps with a 30 second rest in between (i.e. two lots of 10)

  1. Start by lying on your back with your knees bent and heels on the ground.  
  2. From this position lift your hips off the ground until a nice straight line is achieved, running from your knees to your chest (or slightly lower if more comfortable).  
  3. Once at the top hold the position for a count of five seconds and gently lower to the starting position and then repeat.

Remember its important to squeeze your glutes to lift your hips off the ground and not use your heels, these simply act as a support. Why not give it a go right now!

Try this exercise everyday for a week and see if you can notice a difference?  Let us know how you get on.

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